
Useful resources

This page provides a non-exhaustive list of useful materials and resources on the topics of efficiency, effectiveness and value for money in the higher education context.

USTREAM resources

  1. Thomas Estermann and Veronika Kupriyanova (2019). Efficiency, Leadership and Governance. Closing the Gap between Strategy and Execution. A USTREAM Report
  2. Thomas Estermann, Veronika Kupriyanova and Michael Casey (2018). Efficiency, Effectiveness and Value for Money: Insights from Ireland and other countries. A USTREAM Report
  3. Thomas Estermann and Veronika Kupriyanova (2018). Efficiency, Effectiveness and Value for Money: Insights from the UK and other countries. A USTREAM Report
  4. Veronika Kupriyanova, Thomas Estermann and Norbert Sabic (2018). Efficiency of Universities. Drivers, Enablers and Limitations. In A. Curaj et al. (eds.), European Higher Education Area: The Impact of Past and Future Policies


  1. EUA Public Funding Observatory
  2. EUA Autonomy Scorecard
  3. Enora Bennetot Pruvot, Anna-Lena Claeys-Kulik and Thomas Estermann (2015). Designing strategies for efficient funding of universities in Europe
  4. Thomas Estermann and Valentina Lisi (2018). Towards broader acceptance of universities’ accounting practices in Horizon Europe. A compendium of national and institutional cases
  5. Thomas Estermann and Veronika Kupriyanova (2018). A comparative analysis of public procurement frameworks and practices in universities in Portugal and selected EU member states

Universities UK

  1. Efficiency Exchange platform
  2. Universities UK (2011). Efficiency and effectiveness in higher education (‘the Diamond review’)
  3. Universities UK (2013). Working smarter for a smarter, stronger sector (‘Diamond 1’ progress report)
  4. Universities UK (2015). Efficiency, effectiveness and value for money (‘Diamond 2’ report)
  5. Association of University Directors of Estates (2016). Demonstrating HE Efficiency and Effectiveness.
  6. Universities UK and Research Councils UK (RCUK) (2010). Financial Sustainability and Efficiency in Full Economic Costing of Research in UK Higher Education Institutions

Irish Universities Association

  1. Department of Education and Skills (2017). Education and Training Sector Shared Services Plan 2017-2020
  2. Higher Education Authority (2013). Report to the Minister for Education and Skills on system reconfiguration, inter-institutional collaboration and system governance in Irish higher education
  3. Higher Education Authority (2014). Review of workload allocation models in Irish Higher Education Institutions
  4. Higher Education System Performance Framework 2014-2016. Overview and Context
  5. Investing in national ambition: A strategy for funding higher education. Report of the Expert Group on Future Funding of Higher Education. March 2016
  6. Irish Management Institute (2017). Case study on the Office of Government Procurement (OGP)

Other useful resources

  1. European Commission (2002). Structural change in research institutions: Enhancing excellence, gender equality and efficiency in research and innovation
  2. F. King Alexander (2000). The Changing Face of Accountability: Monitoring and Assessing Institutional Performance in Higher Education, The Journal of Higher Education, 71 (4).
  3. HEFCE (2006). Procurement in higher education – a time of change
  4. HESA (2010). Benchmarking to improve efficiency
  5. J. E. Beasley (1995). Determining Teaching and Research Efficiencies, The Journal of the Operational Research Society, 46 (4), pp. 441-452
  6. Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz and Aleksandra Parteka (2011). Efficiency of European public higher education institutions: a two-stage multicountry approach, Scientometrics.
  7. Libby Aston and Liz Shutt (2010). Efficiency, leadership and partnership: an approach that delivers shared economic priorities. University Alliance.
  8. Miguel St. Aubyn,1 Álvaro Pina, Filomena Garcia, and Joana Pais (2009). Study on the efficiency and effectiveness of public spending on tertiary education. European Commission, Economic Papers 390
  9. Pietro Giorgio Lovaglio and Giorgio Vittadini (2008). Human Capital and the Evaluation of University Efficiency. JRC Scientific and Technical Report.

A more detailed list of bibliographic sources on efficiency, effectiveness and value for money in higher education can be downloaded here.


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